DevOps engineer
Soft Skills - Skills related to personal attributes, communication, and interpersonal interaction
CCommunication: Ability to effectively express, transmit, and interpret knowledge and ideas.
DDealing with Ambiguity: Ability to navigate uncertain situations and make decisions with incomplete information.
DDecision Making: Ability to make informed, effective, and timely decisions.
EEmpathy: The ability to comprehend and appreciate the perspectives and skill levels of others, fostering effective communication and collaboration.
LLearning and Progressing: Capacity to acquire new skills, adapt to change, and strive for personal and professional growth.
TTeamwork: Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in a group setting.
Software Architecture - Skills related to software architecture, architectural styles, and software modeling on different levels
DDistributed Systems: Understanding and designing systems that run across multiple servers or nodes.
IInfrastructure Architecture: Expertise in designing and planning the underlying hardware and software components for IT systems.
General Software Engineering - General software engineering skills applicable to any programming language or development environment
CCode Quality: Understanding of best practices to write high-quality code, including code reviews, refactoring, and coding standards.
DDatabases: Comprehension of database systems, including relational and NoSQL databases, schema design, and query optimization.
DDebugging and Troubleshooting: Skills to identify, analyze, and resolve bugs, errors, or other issues within a codebase.
DDocumentation: The ability to create clear, concise, and comprehensive documentation for software projects. This includes writing technical guides, API documentation, and user manuals that facilitate the understanding and usage of software products.
UUsage of Large Language AI Models: Understanding and leveraging the potential of large language AI models to enhance personal and project efficiency. This skill entails the effective use of AI models to streamline tasks, improve workflows, and innovate processes in software development.
VVersion Control: Understanding of version control systems like Git, SVN, etc., and their application in software development.
Security & Compliance - Skills related to software and network security, including secure coding practices, penetration testing, and encryption
IInfrastructure Security: Skills related to protecting infrastructure from various types of threats, including implementing secure network configurations, firewall setups, and monitoring system activities.
PPersonal Cybersecurity Hygiene: Understanding of best practices for personal cybersecurity.
Networking - Skills related to computer networking, including network usage, design, administration, and troubleshooting
NNetwork Fundamentals: Understanding of low-level networking concepts such as TCP/UDP, DNS, and IP protocols.
NNetwork Infrastructure: Understanding of designing, implementing, and managing network infrastructure including routers, switches, and firewalls.
Operations & Observability - This category covers skills related to DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), runtime management, and observability. It encompasses both proactive management of technology stacks and reactive monitoring and troubleshooting.
CCI/CD: Skills related to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CD). This involves understanding and implementing modern development workflows, automating testing, and facilitating rapid and reliable deployment of services.
CCloud Computing: Understanding of cloud-based solutions, services, and deployment models. Familiarity with key cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
CContainers (Docker): Skills related to the use and management of containerization technologies, particularly Docker. This includes creating Dockerfiles, managing Docker registries, and orchestrating containers for application deployment and scaling.
IInfrastructure As Code: Understanding and implementing infrastructure as code (IAC), which allows the management and provisioning of technology stacks through code.
KKubernetes: Skills related to the use and management of Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform. This encompasses setting up and managing clusters, deploying applications, and ensuring high availability and scalability of services.
LLinux Servers Administration: Skills associated with administering Linux servers, including configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
MMonitoring: Skills related to monitoring IT systems, applications, and services to identify performance, uptime, and reliability issues. It includes setting up monitoring tools, configuring alerts, and analyzing monitoring data for proactive management.